Kitti Visuthsiri

Software Developer

Hello! I am a software developer driven by a passion for leveraging technology to contribute to society. With expertise in front-end development, cross-platform mobile applications using Flutter, and native Android development, I am committed to creating impactful solutions that benefit communities.

Technical Skills

Front-End Development

  • Framework: NextJs, and Vue.js
  • Languages: React, TypeScript, JavaScript, TailwindCSS, HTML, and CSS

Mobile Development

  • Flutter: Dart, BLoC, GetX, Dio, Retrofit, Injectable, Google Maps, Google & Facebook authentication, WebView, and local notifications
  • Android: Kotlin, Java, Android Jetpack components, Hilt, Dagger 2, Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Google Maps, Mappedin, Google & Facebook authentication, Socket, Glide, Google Play Billing, and 2C2P Payment


  • Git, Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, Firebase service including Authentication, Realtime Database, App Distribution, Crashlytics, Cloud Messaging, Analytics, Dynamic Links, Events, Remote Config, AdMob, and Storage

Personal Projects